Genre: Virtual Reality, Action Adventure
A completely unprepared town made entirely of paper is hit by its first ever fire, and it’s up to you to save it Rookie. A comedic, tongue in cheek action-adventure VR exploration game.
Paperville is proof that anyone has what it takes to be a hero, as long as safety and saving lives aren’t priorities. A tongue-in-cheek look into the world of firefighting, in a town filled with strange critters, odd personalities and secrets to discover.
Guided by a less-than-stellar fire department, you must help restore Paperville to it’s former papery glory. From clearing building fires, rescuing citizens from rubble, hacking through doors, to dealing with townsfolk and their personal issues, Rookie does it all.
Only you can be the one to save Paperville. Well, someone else probably could, but you’re all they’ve got.