A MAZE. / Berlin 2018__April 25 - 29, 2018

7th International Games and Playful Media Festival

Walden, a game

Walden, a game - Official Launch Trailer

by USC Game Innovation Lab (United States of America)

Genre: Narrative, simulation

Walden, a game is a six hour, exploratory narrative about Henry David Thoreau, the American naturalist and author, and his experiment in living close to nature at Walden Pond in 1845. Players take on the role of Thoreau, surviving in the woods by finding food and fuel and maintaining your shelter and clothing. At the same time as the strive to survive off the land, they are also encouraged to explore the beauty of the woods and the pond, which hold a promise of a sublime life beyond their basic needs. Along the way, they interact with characters from Thoreau's life including mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson, sister Sophia Thoreau, editor Horace Greeley, activist A. Bronson Alcott, naturalist Louis Agassiz among others. The game follows the loose narrative of Thoreau's first year in the woods, with each season holding its own challenges for survival and possibilities for inspiration.

Platform: PC, Mac