A MAZE. / Berlin 2018__April 25 - 29, 2018

7th International Games and Playful Media Festival

Too Many Cooks

Too Many Cooks (iOS) Gameplay

by FINIFUGU && friends (UK)

Genre: Party, Social

TOO MANY COOKS is a local cooperative party game for 3-6 (2-8 in future) players (iOS, Android, Amazon etc.) where your team works together run a restaurant kitchen. Each player uses their own device to chop, steam and wash their way to victory while sending items back and forth between the team. Each player can assign themselves tools like chopping boards and food crates. As a team, they will be passing around tools and ingredients while trying to figure out the best way to tackle each gauntlet of orders; featuring iconic foods from around the world!

T.M.Cooks is approachable and cute, with complexity focused on team dynamics. It's a fast-paced team-reliant experience packed into 150s - lots of talking guaranteed! It makes for a great pick-up-and-play game which fits neatly into a family games night, a train/car ride or at an airport.

Players participate by downloading the free app onto their respective mobile devices which are connected via server connection. While it is ideally played by friends and family all sitting in the same room, it can be played online with assistance from programs like Skype, Discord and Facebook-Messenger (calling).

Platform: iPhone, Android Phone, Android Tablet, iPad