Genre: 3rd-Person Spell-Caster
Ghostly Horizon is a competitive or co-op multiplayer 3rd-person spell-caster on spherical worlds (planets). Ghostly Horizon is presented in a colorful low-poly style with a mix of hard and soft gradients. You play as either a Ghost or an Ecto that you customize to your liking both visually and in stats, bonuses and spells to fit your play-style. The aim is a stylized, beautiful and cute looking game that makes the intense gameplay and cut-throat battles come as a surprise.
Ghostly Horizon features Singleplayer, Online Co-op and Competitive PvP. There are 5 different Game-Modes to play in, from Survival Co-op to Free-For-All PvP and Teambased PvP.
The main aim of the gameplay is fast-paced “bullet-helly” player-skill focused battles. The game features 8 different difficulties from childs-play to almost impossible and is Very fun and rewarding in both its Multiplayer and its Singleplayer.
Ghostly Horizon is made by one person, Markus Boberg from Sweden. I am a Nurse-Anesthetist and work 40% at the Hospital, putting people under Narcosis for Surgery. I love that job and it pays my rent and food! I also really Love creating videogames, working at least 40+ hours per week developing Ghostly Horizon.
The plan for Ghostly Horizon is a Free-To-Play Early-Access Release on Steam in end of March. Full Release with more planets and character progression etc. will come after the Summer 2018. In the time between the focus is to build the player-base for the game by attend Gaming events around the world and market the game in any way possible to build a fun and solid player-base for Full Release.
YouTube Trailer: