Genre: Philosophical Science Fiction Simulation
Where is everybody? Play out the fate of an evolving galaxy, as centuries-old interstellar civilisations collapse, survive and thrive.
What if we finally reached life in other galaxies? What if alliances were forged, new life forms nurtured and innovation left unchecked? But what if, in the end, we failed to learn from our mistakes.
We want to explore the space simulation genre in a new way and create a game, where the player has to care over many civilzations in the galaxy. Like a galactic gardener, the player has to balance technological progress, military aggresion and resource waste so all the alien species survive long enough to make contact to other cilizations ... As a setup for our game we choose the Paradox of Enrico Fermi, the question why our human species never recived an alien radio signal, even if there are millions of much older stars in the galaxy very likely to harbour sentient lifeforms. The fear that sentient life will always destroy itself as soon at it is technological capeable to do so and the implications of interstellar communication and travel that will take thousands of years is the narrative framework for our project.